Kitwe Church was birthed from a burden to reach our city of Kitwe with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to reach into communities that other churches in our city were not reaching. Today was special. Since the beginning of Kitwe Church in May 2015, we have prayed that the Lord would raise leaders from our congregation to come alongside the pastors to shepherd the flock of God. Today, we had the joy of ordaining three men from among the membership of Kitwe Church, to the gospel ministry to serve as pastors/elders at Kitwe Church. 

Back on Sunday, December 31st, we took a poll in the morning service to find how many birth countries were represented in the service. We counted 15 different nations represented in the congregation that morning. Today, we added to the two current pastors, myself (USA) and Hector Garcia (Mexico), three additional pastors, competent, dedicated men to shepherd the flock of God at Kitwe Church. Simon Chilongoshi (Zambia), Gideon Mpeni (Malawi), and Joao Domingos (Angola). We also had the joy of ordaining two deacons to serve the body of Christ here. Joe Marton (Canada) and Innocent Chungu (Zambia).

Hector Garcia preached a great applicational message from Acts 6:1-7 that contained the following charges:

Charge to the Congregation: Vigilance and Unity

  1. Be aware of growing discontent in your heart – Satan sows a seed of discontent that always grows when unattended.
  2. Be aware of division caused by words of complaint – it seeps out over time, or it explodes in a massive blast. Either way, it is damaging to a church.
  3. Be aware of division caused by cultural differences – Hebrews looked down on Hellenists as compromisers of Jewish culture and religion. Deacons selected were chosen based on character, not culture.
  4. Be aware that Satan attacks when the church is thriving; the attack comes from within. (1) Awareness and vigilance are our best defenses against such strife.

Charge to the Deacons: Service and Integrity

  1. Be on the lookout for the material and practical needs of the church. These men were appointed not to preach and teach but to serve. To take on tasks in the church, to serve tables. Deacons have a servant’s heart, a compassionate heart. (2-3a)
  2. Watch your life and be holy (3). These men were chosen because of their character. These are spiritual requirements: a good reputation, trust, and integrity. The spiritual significance of the task is to promote the growth, development, and stability of the church.
  3. Protect the unity of the church. Once they had been appointed, the church continued to grow and thrive. (7)

Charge to the Elders: Leadership and Accountability

  1. Provide godly leadership—step up and lead (2). The pastors at Jerusalem stepped up and provided a solution. In testing situations, pastors set up in love, faith, and humility.
  2. Remember, you are accountable to the congregation. (2) The pastor does not have absolute authority. The pastors at Jerusalem did not choose the deacons; the congregation did. The congregation submits to the counsel and authority of the pastors, but the congregation has ultimate authority. The church chooses and appoints, and the church votes and affirms the leadership.
  3. Focus on priorities—study and proclamation of the word, prayer bathing that preparation. (4) You can do anything, but you will fail in your calling if you do not focus on the responsibility to pray and proclaim.

When the congregation, deacons, and elders take God’s charge seriously, the Word of God will continue to increase. In Jerusalem, “a great many came to the faith.” (7)

To God be the glory, great things He has done. Brethren, pray for us!

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